Childhood is wonderful phase in one's life, it's time to let loose and explore various things with all it's great moments, it is also a time when children are more susceptible to illness as their immune system is still developing, Ayurveda has different specialties to work for human health; Kaumarbhrutya department is one of them which deal with children's health and development, there are certain herbs and formulations to achieve desirable growth and development in children in ayurveda, our BCB FORMULATION is one of them which deals directly to the diseased or normal condition of children during developing phase of life.

No happenstance involved in a little one's growth, it's solely focused on that deliberate Nurturing...



There are certain disease naturally prone to children upto adolescent age, Most probably they suffer from Respiratory tract infection , Gastro-intestinal tract infection, worm infection, Nutritional problems, obesity, urinary tract infection, pediatric complaints like fever, diarrhea, cough, cold, asthma and Vomitting and also MENTAL & PHYSICAL GROWTH DELAY too, and that is the only reason why children cry in their early stage of life.

Precaution & Cure.

With the help of BCB in daily herbal supplement, child will be healthier, happier and also there is chance of descrease in child mortality too.

BCB FORMULATION deals with all the above situation in such a nice way that we can say it is really


Unique Perceived Benefits

Directly effects the growth and developmental Milestones by it's therapeutic effects.

Low dose of BCB works on multifunctional way.

Recurrent infection episodes will be reduced to very low potency.

Physical and Mental health boosting attributes give benefit to growing child.

Strengthen the digestive power; Proper absorption and elimination of waste; Make every system clean, thus Proper growth and development occurs reduces the risk of obesity and malnutrition and helps if the condition has already begun.

By achieving healthy state of body & mind; child can perform better in school and sports.


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