Our Proud Product For Kids BCB+24 is Live Now

समस्या  Samasyā

It Started With Arjun

In 2019, Arjun (Friend’s Son) of Mr. Hrshil Ramani who belonged to the playgrounds was often found in bed.

No matter how much he slept, he woke up exhausted. He looked fine, but his body was silently battling unseen challenges.

Which caused, fatigue that never faded, low immunity that kept him sick and growth quietly affected.

The reason? Micro-deficiencies.

The Shocking Truth

A paediatrician revealed a startling fact: 61% of urban children suffer from hidden hunger micronutrient deficiencies affecting their immunity and growth.

Processed food. Irregular eating habits. Inorganic meals.

Our modern lifestyle is robbing children of essential nutrients.

A Silent Epidemic

The realisation hit hard. This wasn’t just Arjun’s problem it was a crisis.

Children everywhere were suffering, and no one was aware.

Mr. Hrshil Ramani couldn’t shake the thought…

How could HE find a solution to this Silent Epidemic?

संकल्प Sankalp

A Childhood Memory Sparked Hope

Lost and unsure where to begin, Mr. Hrshil Ramani found himself thinking back to his childhood.

His grandmother’s Ayurvedic Churna—her secret to keeping him strong and healthy.

That simple memory reignited a sense of direction. But he knew this wasn’t a journey he could take alone.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

Determined to find a real solution, he immersed himself in Ayurveda, seeking guidance from its finest minds.

That’s when he met Dr. JC Patel, a renowned Ayurvedic expert.

Together, they explored the Ashtanga Ayurveda, the eight-fold science of holistic health.

Within one of its key branches-Kaumarbhritya (Pediatric Wellness) they found the answer. Bal Chatur Bhadra (BCB) Churna an ancient Ayurvedic formula designed for pediatric care.

Bringing Ayurveda Back to Today’s Children

Understanding the nutritional gaps of modern kids, Mr. Ramani and his team decided to revive this powerful remedy.

  • Time-tested Ayurvedic wisdom
  • Enhanced formulation for today’s pediatric concerns
  • A step toward stronger, healthier children

This isn’t just a product it’s our Sankalp (commitment) to a healthier future.

संजीवनं  Sañjīvana

 Dr. J.C. Patel

M.D. (Ayurveda) | 20+ Years of Experience

Reviving an Ancient Remedy

Dr. Jitesh, an Ayurvedic expert with over a decade of practice, started developing the enhanced BCB+24 formula with his team. After three years of hard work, setbacks, and countless revisions, they finally created a powerful product with 28 Ayurvedic herbs. Loved by kids for its rich cacao flavor and natural sweetness from Monk Fruit Extract — offering ZERO glucose spike unlike natural sugars or even jaggery powder — and trusted by parents for its Ayurvedic goodness, especially the inclusion of 14 Putta Shuddha Swarna Bhasma (Purified Gold Ash) in its most refined nano-particle form. Each 60MG serving makes BCB+24 the highest Swarna Bhasma-containing product globally, perfectly aligned with the therapeutic requirement for children (2000-3000 MCG per dose).

What once was a vision, nurtured with care and wisdom, is now a reality. Our pride, BCB+24, is finally yours to have.

नामा  Nāma

What does the name FAACCIII mean?

From Kishmish To Kismet

When it came to naming this beautiful venture, Mr Ramani once again took a trip down memory lane to his past. Younger Mr Ramani were extremely fond of Kishmish. Taking advantage of this detail, his Grandma would sneak ‘faa-ki’ into a Kishmish and feed him.

The word ‘faa-ki’ means Churna, which is a traditional blend of Powdered Ayurvedic Herbs. Ayurvedic ‘faa-ki’ is known to provide immunity, strengthen body and nurture overall health by cleansing the toxins within the body.

This is where he felt, FAACCIII is an ideal name to continue this time-honoured tradition of providing nutrition packed care to children

Mr.Hrshil Ramani

Founder of FAACCIII & Indian Ayurvedic Corporation

उद्देश्य Mission

FAACCIII is dedicated to empowering families by providing authentic, high-quality Ayurvedic remedies. With a focus on enhancing children’s immunity, physical development, and mental growth, we aim to deliver holistic nourishment free from sugar, preservatives, and synthetic ingredients.

दूरदृष्टि Vision

At FAACCIII, we envision reviving and modernizing ancient Ayurvedic wisdom & setting new standards for quality in the Child Wellness industry.

Cognitive & Physical Development

BCB+24 Bal Chatur Bhadra for Kids

24+ Ayurvedic

Swarna Bhasma

No Added

No Side

Natural Cacao


Benefits of BCB +24

Develops Bone
& Muscles

Improves Cognitive

Builds Lifelong Immunity
with 3 years of Intake

Meet Arjun Vakasiya

The Lil’ Champ who overcame

In 2022, Lil Arjun, whose heart-aching condition inspired Mr. Hrshil Ramani. At just 1 year old, he was hospitalized every 20 days. There were some instances where he spent almost 2 weeks in the Hospital due to micronutrient-deficiency & low immunity.

Now, after consistently consuming BCB+24, he has not visited his unwanted second home-the Hospital in over 9 Months!